At Berry's Naturally, we use a Cornish Cross meat bird for our pastured chicken. They arrive at our farm as two day old chicks and spend their first three weeks in a brooder area under a heat lamp to provide them warmth as they grow their adult feathers. At this time, they have access to a feed ration made with Non-GMO grains and organically certified minerals. At four weeks of age, when their adult feathers are filled sufficiently to provide protection from outdoor elements, they are moved to the fresh green pasture into the “chicken tractor.” The chicken tractor is a tent shaped pen, covered with a canvas roof and wire net sides on a frame. This pen contains their feeder and automatic waterer.
This pen is moved ahead every day to 100% fresh pasture. The chickens actively pursue bugs and worms with each daily move. This delightful menu of fresh bugs, worms, and new pasture provides 30% of their nutritional needs, the remaining 70% coming from NON GMO grains and certified organic minerals. At 7 1/2 weeks they weigh in the 8-9 lb range live, resulting in a finished 4-5 lb whole dressed chicken.
The end result of this pasture raised poultry is a healthy, non chemically influenced, rich delicious meat. You will find that our pasture raised chicken is a much more substantial, denser, and heartier meat.
The end result of this pasture raised poultry is a healthy, non chemically influenced, rich delicious meat. You will find that our pasture raised chicken is a much more substantial, denser, and heartier meat.